Ace from The Ace & TJ Show talked with Alec Benjamin getting a little insight into a couple of songs and about his debut album 'These Two Windows' available now. Big thanks to Atlantic Records for help bring us this At Home Facebook Live performance.
Watch below:
Alec Benjamin BIO:
Hi, Alec Benjamin, here. I’ve seen a lot in the past two years since I released my mixtape, Narrated For You. Some great things happened. I got to tour In North America, Europe, and Asia—which was pretty cool for me, because I speak Chinese. I read a lot of articles online and poems by Leonard Cohen. I played on some TV shows. My favorite artist John Mayer began listening to my music. Joe Rogan followed me—which was really tight. I also kind of grew up. I lost a grandparent. Some close family members got sick. Friends had weddings and started families. I watched all of this. I wrote music in all of these different countries. Instead of telling stories, I took a look at myself. I thought about how I feel inside of my head. The songs are more on-the-nose. You’ll know what I’m thinking. There was stress. There was pressure. I knew if I let John Mayer down, that would suck. I thought about giving up. I didn’t stop though. I’m glad I didn’t. I knew the message was too important to me. I tried to say something on my album, These Two Windows. I think I did. I’m still trying to figure out who I am, but this is what I’ve learned along the way. Hope you enjoy it. Sincerely, Alec Benjamin