

Hi, I'm Brodie! Thanks for hanging out with me! #Smile


Listening to 78 Minutes of Music Per Day is GOOD for your Mental Health

Serene young man meditating with headphones on apartment sofa

So according to a new study, you should listen to 78 minutes of it every day...especially if you'd like to maintain good mental health! Here's the's can't just be one specific type of music. :-( There's actually a formula that you need to follow in order to make it work. Here it is...

14 minutes of "uplifting" music to feel happy.

16 minutes of "calming" music to feel relaxed.

16 minutes of whatever you choose to overcome sadness.

15 minutes of "motivating" music to aid concentration.

And another 17 minutes of whatever you choose to help manage your anger.

There's your 78 minutes of music to help maintain that good mental health. Sounds like a lot to follow, right?

Good thing is that only 11 minutes a day still has therapeutic benefits, and you can boost your happiness with just FIVE minutes.  Boom!

Read more HERE!

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